As a home healthcare provider, you focus on giving your clients the quality care they need. While phone calls from clients and their physicians help you provide that care, they can also overwhelm your staff and leave your clients waiting on the other line.

Our homecare answering services ensure you and your callers receive unparalleled and personalized care.

Our Answering Services for Home Healthcare

What can you expect from our U.S.-based team and company? In addition to friendly and experienced operators that are on-call 24 hours a day and 365 days a year, our answering services provide:

  • Call overflow: Ensure every caller — from patient to doctor — receives a friendly, helpful answer by having your calls forwarded to our team after a set number of rings. This answering service for home healthcare facilities eases your staff’s call load while providing the care your clients expect.
  • Secure text messaging: Keep up-to-date on alerts with our secure text messages, which combine the convenience of text messaging with the requirements of HIPAA. All messages are encrypted, which protects patient health information (PHI). Our team of operators can also see whether a message has been delivered and read. This feature of our homecare answering service lets us escalate a message if needed.
  • Business day and after-hours answering: Count on our team to serve as your front desk or office staff assistant during high call periods, like in our call overflow service. We’ll take messages, transfer calls from patients and more using a personalized script and greeting based on the day of the week or time of day. With our after-hours answering service, we follow your lead through personalized protocols. We can take messages for your team to review the next business day and process higher-priority calls to notify designated staff, doctors or nurses.
  • Convenient web portal: Manage your homecare answering services with our web portal. Here, you can communicate with our operators and edit on-call schedules and message-taking procedures. The portal also makes it easy to view messages and communication history.

We understand that as a healthcare provider, protecting PHI is your number-one priority. That’s why our services and staff are HIPAA-compliant. How? All our operators receive extensive HIPAA training. Our systems are password-protected and our facilities secured, and most importantly we encrypt messages through multiple delivery methods to keep PHI private.

With our answering services, you can also count on state-of-the-art technology to provide consistent uptime. Our systems feature redundant power supplies through four independent sources as well as an ATSI Gold Star Site Certification for 99.999 percent up-time.

Receive a Free Quote for Your Healthcare Facility

At Towne Answering Service, we offer more than 65 years of experience in providing creative, customized solutions that provide your home healthcare facility with cost-savings and improved productivity and efficiency. See what our caring staff and exceptional services can do for you by contacting us today for a free personalized quote at 215-723-4316.